Local Links
Texas 811
- Call 2 days before you dig! Visit: https://texas811.org/homeowner
- Conroe ISD, 936-709-7752
- Caney Creek High School, 936-709-2000
- Moorhead Junior High, 936-709-2400
- Grangerland Intermediate, 936-709-3500
- Austin Elementary, 936-709-3400
Property Management Company
Athena Management Services
Email: info@athenamgmt.com
Phone: (346) 328-2775
Create your Owner Portal https://athena.cincwebaxis.com
Email: info@athenamgmt.com
Phone: (346) 328-2775
Create your Owner Portal https://athena.cincwebaxis.com
Homeowners can also download the app to connect to their Owner Portal:
Athena Mgmt Srvcs